Saturday, October 19, 2013

Application of mathematics in real life

A chemist, an engineer and a mathematician were all asleep in a hotel when several fires broke out in their respective rooms.

The engineer woke up, saw the fire, ran into the bathroom, turned on the faucets full-blast, flooding out the entire apartment, which put out the fire, and went back to sleep.

The chemist woke up, saw the fire, ran over to his desk, pulled out his lab book, and began working out all sorts of equations. Soon, he threw down his pencil, got a graduated cylinder out of his suitcase, and measured out a precise amount of water. He threw it on the fire, extinguishing it, with not a drop wasted, and went back to sleep.

The mathematician takes a match, lights it, and extinguishes it in a glass of water. He declares: “A solution exists.” and goes back to sleep.

And that is how mathematics applies in real life!!!!!

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