Thursday, October 3, 2013

Four important factors that can be used to indicate better quality for monitors

There are some factors affecting the quality of the computer monitors. In here, we will be discussing four of them. They are,
1. Resolution
2. Size
3. Refresh rate
4. Power consumption

                                                The resolution of the monitor refers to the number of pixels that can be displayed in the monitor. Higher the number of pixels displayed, higher the resolution of the monitor. More number of pixels results in a very clear image, and the image will not be blurred once it is magnified. So, we can say that the image quality is high in a monitor with higher resolution. Therefore, it is a factor that indicates the quality of a monitor.

                                               The size of the monitor is another factor which affects the quality of the images displayed. When the monitor size is high, the image is displayed in a larger area, so that it is clearly visible for even some distance away. But, here the resolution should increase with the size as well. Otherwise, it can affect the picture quality.

Refresh Rate
                                     The refresh rate of a monitor is the number of times in a second that it draws the data from the source. Refresh rate is measured by Hertz. Increasing the refresh rate decreases the flickering of the monitor, thereby reducing the eye strain of the user. So, higher the refresh rate, higher the user – friendliness of the monitor. But, we should keep on mind that not to increase the refresh rate beyond the highest value provided by the monitor, since it can damage the monitor. However, the refresh rate is an important factor which determines the quality of a monitor.
Power Consumption

                                                Power consumption is a very important aspect which affects the quality of a monitor. Though the monitor is performing well, if it consumes lot of power, then that monitor is not good to be used. Therefore we should always go for a monitor with maximum power saving options, thus consuming lesser amount of power. Otherwise, it can affect the increment in the electricity bill as well. So, what we can see is that power consumption is an aspect that we must consider when buying a monitor.